October 31, 2013
October 30, 2013
Waiting on Wednesday
Sooooo....what book are we waiting on here at RFYF? An Historical
Young Adult Murder Mystery, of course!!
A Most Dangerous Deception
(Palace of Spies, Book #1)
(Palace of Spies, Book #1)
by Sarah Zettel
Publisher: Harcourt Children's Books
Release Date: 15 November 2013
warning to all young ladies of delicate breeding who wish to embark
upon lives of adventure: Don’t.
Peggy is a well-bred orphan who is coerced into posing as a lady in
waiting at the palace of King George I. Life is grand, until Peggy
starts to suspect that the girl she’s impersonating might have been
murdered. Unless Peggy can discover the truth, she might be doomed to
the same terrible fate. But in a court of shadows and intrigue,
anyone could be a spy—perhaps even the handsome young artist with
whom Peggy is falling in love .
October 29, 2013
Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
Grab your current read.
Open to a random page.
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
"I realized I was either completely nuts or there was a huge part of the world I simply didn't know about. I stopped believing in fairy tales and magic when I was six years old, so if I was going to believe any of this was real, it was going to take some convincing." p. 11
by Roy Huff
Review: The Secret Year by Jennifer R. Hubbard
Take Romeo and Juliet. Add The Outsiders. Mix thoroughly. Colt and Julia were secretly together for an entire year, and no one,not even Julia's boyfriend, knew. They had nothing in common, with Julia in her country club world on Black Mountain and Colt from down on the flats, but it never mattered. Until Julia dies in a car accident, and Colt learns the price of secrecy. He can't mourn Julia openly, and he's tormented that he might have played a part in her death. When Julia's journal ends up in his hands, Colt relives their year together at the same time that he's desperately trying to forget her. But how do you get over someone who was never yours in the first place?
I have a friend who would absolutely LOVE this book because she can relate to it ALOT. I read this book in one night because it kept me interested. I wanted to know if he would really tell everybody that he had been with Julia. By the end of the book he had but nobody believed him because he was poor and not popular and she had been rich and popular. Well, I can relate to this because I dated a guy that was kinda popular and got accused that I was lying till he finally told the truth about it 6 months later. But i would recommend this book to any teenage girl that wants to read a love story.
Publisher-Viking Juvenile
Reviewer rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by~Sierra Wells (Student at Franklin High School)
Thank you to the author for the donation of this book to the Read for your Future book program in exchange for a honest review!
Review: The Fury (The Fury #1) by Alexander Gordon Smith
From the creator of the Escape from Furnace series, a ferocious epic of supernatural terror, perfect for Stephen King fans Imagine if one day, without warning, the entire human race turns against you, if every person you know, every person you meet becomes a bloodthirsty, mindless savage . . . That’s the horrifying reality for Cal, Brick, and Daisy. Friends, family, even moms and dads, are out to get them. Their world has the Fury. It will not rest until they are dead.
In Alexander Gordon Smith’s adrenaline-fueled saga, Cal and the others must uncover the truth about what is happening before it destroys them all. But survival comes at a cost. In their search for answers, what they discover will launch them into battle with an enemy of unimaginable power
In Alexander Gordon Smith’s adrenaline-fueled saga, Cal and the others must uncover the truth about what is happening before it destroys them all. But survival comes at a cost. In their search for answers, what they discover will launch them into battle with an enemy of unimaginable power
OMG!!!! I absolutely loved this book. It kept me very involved and interested. I read it twice in the time I have had it. It is amazing and I probably would read it again. It is kind of gory in some parts but besides that I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Hey I even cried at the very end when Daisy died because she was my favorite character! If you like gory, scary, fighting, and books that make you think. This is the book for you!
Publisher-Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Reviewer Rating: 5 STARS!!!
Reviewed by~Sierra Wells (Student at Franklin Highschool)
Thank you to the publisher for the donation of this book to the Read for the Future book program in exchange for a honest review!
Review: Ghost Hunting: True Stories of Unexplained Phenomena from The Atlantic Paranormal Society
The Atlantic Paranormal Society, also known as T.A.P.S., is the brainchild of two plumbers by day, paranormal investigators by night: Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson. Their hair-raising investigations, fueled by their unique abilities and a healthy dose of scientific method, have made them the subject of a hit TV show: the SCI FI Channel's Ghost Hunters.
Now their experiences are in print for the first time, as Jason and Grant recount for us, with the help of veteran author Michael Jan Friedman, the stories of some of their most memorable investigations. The men and women of T.A.P.S. pursue ghosts and other supernatural phenomena with the most sophisticated scientific equipment available -- from thermal-imaging cameras to electromagnetic-field recorders to digital thermometers -- and the results may surprise you. Featuring both cases depicted on Ghost Hunters and earlier T.A.P.S. adventures never told before now, this funny, fascinating, frightening collection will challenge everything you thought you knew about the spirit world.Review-
If you like true ghost stories and want to feel like your there in a sense, then this is the book for you! I loved this book! I didn't know somethings about places in here. I want to go visit some of the places in this book to see if they are really haunted.
Publisher-Gallery Books
Reviewer Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reviewed by~Sierra Wells (Student at Franklin Highschool)
Thank you to the publisher for the donation of this book to the Read for your Future book program in exchange for a honest review!
Review: Invisible by Jeanne Bannon
Lola’s not pretty. Lola’s not popular. Lola wishes she could disappear … and then one day she does just that...
For seventeen-year-old Lola Savullo, life is a struggle. Born to funky parents who are more in than she could ever be, Lola’s dream of becoming a writer makes her an outsider even in her own home. Bullied and despised, Lola still has the support of her best pal Charlie and Grandma Rose.
Not only is she freakishly tall, Lola’s a big girl and when forced to wear a bathing suit at her summer job as a camp counselor, Lola’s only escape from deep embarrassment seems to be to literally vanish. Soon after, she discovers the roots of her new “ability”.
Slowly, with Charlie’s help, Lola learns to control the new super power. The possibilities are endless. Yet power can be abused, too…
Then, when tragedy strikes, Lola must summon her inner strength, both at home and at school. She has to stand up for herself, despite the temptations and possibilities of her newfound super power.
A coming-of-age story that will warm the heart.
For seventeen-year-old Lola Savullo, life is a struggle. Born to funky parents who are more in than she could ever be, Lola’s dream of becoming a writer makes her an outsider even in her own home. Bullied and despised, Lola still has the support of her best pal Charlie and Grandma Rose.
Not only is she freakishly tall, Lola’s a big girl and when forced to wear a bathing suit at her summer job as a camp counselor, Lola’s only escape from deep embarrassment seems to be to literally vanish. Soon after, she discovers the roots of her new “ability”.
Slowly, with Charlie’s help, Lola learns to control the new super power. The possibilities are endless. Yet power can be abused, too…
Then, when tragedy strikes, Lola must summon her inner strength, both at home and at school. She has to stand up for herself, despite the temptations and possibilities of her newfound super power.
A coming-of-age story that will warm the heart.
I really related to this book because I am self-conscious and wish I had a better self-esteem. Sometimes I wish I was invisible and nobody could see me when i get embarrassed. I like how she grew major self esteem by the end of the book. And I hope one day I can have the self esteem like her!
Publisher- Solstice Publishing
Reviewers Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by~Sierra Wells(Student at Franklin High School)
Thanks to the Publisher for the donation of this book to the Read for your Future book program!!!
October 28, 2013
It's Monday! What Are You Reading?
This is a fun meme that allows other bloggers
to get an idea of what everyone else is reading
and perhaps help to find our next must-read. So check out what WE are reading and tell us what YOU are reading!!
Lora is reading: Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James
Crash Into You (Pushing The Limits #3) by Katie McGarry
Cindi is reading: The First Pillar (Everville, #1) by Roy Huff
Crash Into You (Pushing The Limits #3) by Katie McGarry
Cindi is reading: The First Pillar (Everville, #1) by Roy Huff
Stacking The Shelves
Listed below are the books that were donated or bought by RFYF for the last two week. It's a list full of goodies so CHECK THEM OUT and add some to your TBR shelf!
Donated For Review:
Audio books:
October 24, 2013
Waiting on Wednesday
Sooooo....what book are we waiting on here at RFYF? A Young Adult VOODOO story, of course!!
This Wicked Game
by Michelle Zink
Publisher: Dial
Release Date: 14 November 2013
Claire Kincaid’s family has been in business for over fifty years.
The voodoo business.
Part of the International Guild of High Priests and Priestesses, a secret society that have practiced voodoo for generations, the Kincaid’s run an underground supply house for authentic voodoo supplies. Claire plays along, filling orders for powders, oils and other bizarre ingredients in the family store, but she has a secret.
She doesn’t believe.
She doesn’t believe.
Struggling to reconcile her modern sensibilities with a completely unscientific craft based on suspicion, Claire can’t wait to escape New Orleans – and voodoo – when she goes to college, a desire that creates almost constant conflict in her secret affair with Xander Toussaint, son of the Guild’s powerful founding family.
But when a mysterious customer places an order for a deadly ingredient, Claire begins to realize that there’s more to voodoo – and the families that make up the Guild – than meets the eye.
Including her own.
As she bands together with the other firstborns of the Guild, she comes face to face with a deadly enemy – and the disbelief that may very well kill her.
(Goodreads Summary)
As she bands together with the other firstborns of the Guild, she comes face to face with a deadly enemy – and the disbelief that may very well kill her.
(Goodreads Summary)
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Purple Moon by Tessa Emily Hall

Things don’t seem too bad, though. Especially when Selena gains the attention of the cute neighbor next door. But when her best friend back home in Brooklyn desperately needs her, a secret that’s been hidden from Selena for years is revealed, and when she becomes a target for one of her cousin’s nasty pranks, she finds herself having to face the scars from her past and the memories that come along with them. Will she follow her mom’s example in running away, or trust that God still has a fairy tale life written just for her?
Guest Post-
How Much of My Personal Life Did I Put Into Purple Moon?
Many authors don't like to incorporate their personal life into their books, only because it's too revealing and they believe that fiction should be entirely—well, fiction. However, I believe that fiction comes across as more realistic when authors write from experience. One of the reasons why I've always liked Taylor Swift's songs is because she writes from experience. Teenagers can relate to her songs because they've been through situations that she sings about in her songs. That’s also one reason why I wanted to be a teen author, because I wanted to be able to relate to the readers of YA fiction.
I had fun incorporating my personal life into Purple Moon. I gave the protagonist, Selena, many of my own qualities, such as: she’s an introvert, an artist, dreamer, loves coffee, and wears the same style of clothing as I do. One of the reasons why I loved writing Purple Moon was because it was similar to the journey that I was experiencing in my own life. In some ways, writing Selena’s story was sort of a healing process for me.
I also gave several secondary characters names of my friends and family, such as: Erica, Josh, Jeremy, Tara, Matthew, Mickey, Sarah, and Sam.
The friendship that Selena has with her best friend, Hilarie, was actually modeled by the best friend that I had throughout middle and high school. In Purple Moon, there’s a scrapbook that Selena made for Hilarie on her birthday. That was "inspired" by the scrapbook I made for Mickey on her birthday one also. Mickey is an extrovert, like Hilarie; and I’m an introvert, like Selena. She’s always been more of the independent type as well, and me, not so much.
What’s strange is that—after I wrote Purple Moon, so much of my life started to actually copy the story! Far too many ways to count, actually.
Do you like to read books where the author incorporated his/her life experiences into the story? Or if you’re a writer, do you include your own life experiences into the stories that you write? Has your life ever started to "mock" the fiction that you write, like it has with mine?
Fact or Fiction?:
Guess this fact or fiction, and be sure to stop by the next blog tour stop to see if you guessed correctly! (You’ll also receive one extra entry for the "Purple Moon" Prize Pack if you send me your guess.)
Enter the Giveaway HERE
Author Bio-
Tessa Emily Hall is a 19-year-old author of Purple Moon, her YA Christian fiction novel to be published September 2013 by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. She is also the editor over the faith department for Temperance Magazine, a column writer for Whole Magazine, a contributing writer for More To Be, as well as the PR for God of Moses Entertainment. Other than writing, Tessa enjoys acting, music, Starbucks, and her Teacup Shih Tzu—who is named Brewer after a character in her book, as well as her love for coffee.Wednesday, October 2nd: Q & A: Saved by Grace
Thursday, October 3rd: Behind the Scenes: Name Meanings: Labor Not In Vain
Friday, October 4th: Is It Okay To Be An Introvert?: Alex Inks It
Monday, October 7th: Story Behind the Cover Art: Candy Apple Books
Tuesday, October 8th: Purple Moon Excerpt: Cherishing the Sunrise: Author Casey Bond
Wednesday, October 9th: Q & A: Writing While the Rice Boils
Thursday, October 10th: Behind the Scenes: Christian Human Videos: Writing in Wonderland
Friday, October 11th: Teenage Substance Abuse: Emily Rachelle
Monday, October 14th: Behind the Scenes: Lake Lure Academy of the Arts: Worthy 2 Read
Tuesday, October 15th: My Middle & High School Experience: Hello Highlights
Wednesday, October 16th: Purple Moon Excerpt: Meatless Turkey Sandwich: Diane Estrella
Thursday, October 17th: Body Image Laurel’s Leaves
Friday, October 18th: Behind the Scenes: Brewer’s Coffee: A Splash of Ink
Monday, October 21st: Purple Moon Excerpt: Farkle at the Park: A Slightly Nerdy Bookworm
Tuesday, October 22nd: Teenage Dating: Tell The World
Wednesday, October 23rd: Q & A: The YA Book Stack
Thursday, October 24th: How Much of My Personal Life Did I Put Into “Purple Moon”?: Read For Your Future
Friday, October 25th: Fairy tales & Happy Endings + Contest Winners!:
October 23, 2013
Waiting on Wednesday
Sooooo....what book are we waiting on here at RFYF? A CREEPY young adult fantasy, of course!!
Sorrow's Knot
by Erin Bow
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Release Date: 1 November 2013
the world of Sorrow’s Knot, the dead do not rest easy. Every patch
of shadow might be home to something hungry and nearly invisible,
something deadly. The dead can only be repelled or destroyed with
magically knotted cords and yarns. The women who tie these knots are
called binders.
Otter is the daughter of Willow, a binder of great power. She’s a proud and privileged girl who takes it for granted that she will be a binder some day herself. But when Willow’s power begins to turn inward and tear her apart, Otter finds herself trapped with a responsibility she’s not ready for, and a power she no longer wants.
(Goodreads Summary)
Otter is the daughter of Willow, a binder of great power. She’s a proud and privileged girl who takes it for granted that she will be a binder some day herself. But when Willow’s power begins to turn inward and tear her apart, Otter finds herself trapped with a responsibility she’s not ready for, and a power she no longer wants.
(Goodreads Summary)
October 22, 2013
Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
Grab your current read.
Open to a random page.
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
"The girl tucked her head inside her hoodie, knowing what was about to happen, much like a mobster who'd been taken away in the backseat of a rival crime family's car. But the guy didn't even try to hide his face. In fact, quite the opposite." p. 26
by Tonya Hurley, il. Abbey Watkins
October 21, 2013
It's Monday! What Are You Reading?
This is a fun meme that allows other bloggers
to get an idea of what everyone else is reading
and perhaps help to find our next must-read. So check out what WE are reading and tell us what YOU are reading!!
Lora is reading: Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James
Crash Into You (Pushing The Limits #3) by Katie McGarry
Cindi is reading: Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1) by Tonya Hurley
Crash Into You (Pushing The Limits #3) by Katie McGarry
Cindi is reading: Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1) by Tonya Hurley
October 16, 2013
Teaser Tuesday
Tuesdays is
a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should
Be Reading. Anyone
can play along! Just do the following:
Grab your current read.
Open to a random page.
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
I can't think of anything more unappealing than the smell of someone
who's been playing some fantasy game marathon for the last week
without taking a hygiene break. Emily wrinkled up her nose in
disgust." p. 15
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