September 30, 2014

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! 
Just do the following: 
  • Grab your current read. 
  • Open to a random page. 
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. 
  • Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! 

"Are you trying to give this poor dwarf a heart attack?" Ruburt stepped into the light and put his hand to his heart.

p. 57

by Deirdra Eden

September 29, 2014

It's Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

This is a fun meme that allows bloggers to get an idea of what everyone else is reading and perhaps help to find our next must-read. So check out what WE are reading and tell us what YOU are reading!!



Cindi is Reading: 

by Deirdra Eden


September 26, 2014

Review: Broken Worlds by Anitha Robinson

When a brutal attack leaves her barely conscious, Kalli thinks that the young man carrying her away is an angel sent to ferry her to Heaven. After all of the abuse and months of homelessness, Kalli welcomes the relief that Heaven would bring. Handsome Ellis, though, turns out to be just as mortal as she is. A kind stranger, Ellis saves her life by taking her to a local clinic to be healed. Once better, Kalli finds herself staying with her unusual rescuer while being monitored constantly by his mysterious family. It s not an ideal situation, but it beats the streets. Now that she s safe and warm and appears to have found someone who cares for her, Kalli assumes the worst is behind her. She couldn t be more wrong. Broken Worlds was the very first Young Adult Winner in the Yummy but Brainy Writing Contest presented by CBAY Books."
This book was only 218 pages but it packed a TON of adventure, romance, and suspense into its pages. Winner of the Yummy but Brainy Writing Contest, Broken Worlds is a sci-fi romance with surprises that the reader will never see coming. A homeless young girl, a hot guy, a missing child. It all adds up to a thrilling story that I did NOT want to end.
Author Anitha Robinson is a fantastic writer with a wonderful imagination. Protagonist, Kalli, is a runaway who was sexually abused at home--a home where her submissive mother lets Kalli's evil aunt rule the house, a home that has no father because Kalli's father ran off and started a new family. And this isn't even the most horrific thing to happen to Kalli. She becomes protector of a young boy, Sammy, who is homeless also. When she is beaten by a stranger, her life falls apart and Sammy's life takes a dramatic turn for the worst also.
Broken Worlds is fun, fast-paced, entertaining, scary, suspenseful, romantic, and just an all-around 4.5 star read!
Publisher-Cbay Books
Reviewers Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reviewed by~Cindi
Thank you to the author for the donation of this book to the Read for your future book program in exchange for a honest review!

September 23, 2014

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! 
Just do the following: 
  • Grab your current read. 
  • Open to a random page. 
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. 
  • Share the title and author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! 

I turned toward the haunting Forbidden Forest. Images of every forest monster and demon from the villagers' stories flashed through my mind.

p. 7

by Deirdra Eden

September 22, 2014

It's Monday! What Are YOU Reading??

This is a fun meme that allows bloggers to get an idea of what everyone else is reading and perhaps help to find our next must-read. So check out what WE are reading and tell us what YOU are reading!!

Lora is Reading: 

by Ciara Knight



Cindi is Reading: 

by Deirdra Eden


September 17, 2014

Cover Reveal: Infinite Harmony by Tammy Blackwell

Ada Jessup lives for the moment, knowing the

  promise of tomorrow can be all too easily
Joshua is an Immortal, a heavenly warrior who will still be fighting long after the rest of the Alpha Pack have turned to dust. 
When a gunshot wound forces Joshua to tell Ada the truth of what he is, there is more at risk than the safety of the Alphas he's sworn to protect. For Joshua, the real danger is the way he feels drawn to the human girl. After all, what can the future hold for a girl whose days are numbered and a boy whose life has no end?
                                        Pre- Order on Amazon

Haven't started the Shifters & Seers Series?  Check out the first book Fragile Brilliance
Maggie McCray has worked her whole life for the opportunity to attend Sanders College. It’s her one chance at becoming a world-renowned artist, and she’s determined nothing will get in her way. But when a murder brings Maggie and her powers to the attention of the Alpha Pack and the tragically handsome Charlie Hagan, her carefully planned future hangs in jeopardy.
Charlie Hagan isn’t happy when the Alpha Female assigns him as Maggie McCray’s personal bodyguard. Just being near the Thaumaturgic threatens to unleash the primal instincts he’s been suppressing for so long. Charlie knows if the coyote is uncaged, then the person he’ll most need to protect Maggie from is himself.

                                                Barnes & Noble


Check out the series that leads into the

  Shifters & Seers Series: The Timber

Wolves Trilogy!


September 16, 2014

Intervierw:Sarah Beth Durst author of The Lost

Sarah Beth Durst
1. How did you come up with the concept for this book?
This book was born at a stoplight -- proving that ideas really can come from anywhere. I was waiting to turn left, and I remember thinking, "What if I just drive straight and don't stop?" And that's exactly what Lauren Chase does in Lost. She's supposed to go left to her dead-end job, but instead she drives straight... and drives and drives until she runs out of gas in a town called Lost, which is full of only lost things and lost people.
2. How did you come up with the names for the characters?
I've always loved the name Lauren and have been waiting for just the right character to use it. Peter is named after Peter Pan, because he's a mercurial kind of character. And Claire... I think I named her after listening to the song Claire by Jill Sobule. My Claire has zero to do with the song -- my Claire is a six year old girl who carries a teddy bear and a very sharp knife -- but I liked the name.
I'm like a magpie when it comes to names. I collect them and store them away to use later.
3. How much are you and the characters alike?
I'm sure bits of me are in all my characters. It's inevitable. But I don't intentionally base my characters on either myself or anyone that I know.
In fact, the moment that a novel "clicks" for me is when the character develops his or her own voice. With Lauren, it happened in the very first chapter. This novel is written with a very tight pov, and writing it was an intense experience. I laughed when Lauren laughed, and I cried when Lauren cried.
4. Do you read a lot and what are you reading now?
Yes, I'm always in the middle of a book. Sometimes two or three. Right now, I'm reading MAGIC RISES by Ilona Andrews and loving it. I'm also reading THE CARPET PEOPLE by Terry Pratchett, which has such vivid, wonderful worldbuilding. An entire civilization of tiny people who live between the fibers of a carpet.
5. What made you decide to go adult?
The story decided for me. I knew that I wanted a protagonist who felt empty. Her life hasn't turned out the way she wanted it to, and she's watched her dreams wither. So I felt that she had to be older (specifically, twenty-seven). And that automatically made it an adult novel.
6. How did the cover come about?
The cover was designed by my publisher, Harlequin/Mira, and I think they did such a fabulous job. I am so, so in love with it. I love the way you can see the paint strokes and how they're raised on the book itself so that it really looks like paint dripped on the letters, and I love the way the town looks with the single balloon overhead. It really captures the book so perfectly. Lauren is an artist, so the paint strokes fit, and Lost is a desert town that always has a single red balloon floating above it.
7. So what is your next project and when is it due out?
CHASING POWER is my next YA book, and it will be out from Bloomsbury in October. It's about a girl with telekinesis and a boy who can teleport (and who lies as easily as he travels).
And in December, THE MISSING (book 2 of THE LOST trilogy) comes out, followed by THE FOUND in April.
I'm so excited about all of them!
8. Do you have a daytime job or are you a full time writer?
I'm a full time writer, and I feel so very lucky and grateful. I've wanted to be a writer since I was ten years old. It's the only thing I've ever wanted to be. Aside from Wonder Woman, of course.
9. How did you get into writing novels and were you worried about people’s reactions to your books?
I've wanted to write novels since the moment I realized that ordinary people could be writers. (Before that, I assumed that all writers were either dead or mythical. Like unicorns. Except with opposable thumbs.) I've always loved books. I think they're magic, and I always wanted to be a part of that magic.
10. One last thing do you collect anything personally?
I am a wee bit of a packrat. Okay, a total packrat. But I don't really collect anything in particular, except for memories. And books. Lots of books.
Thanks so much for interviewing me!
Find out more about Sarah here: Goodreads

It was only meant to be a brief detour. But then Lauren finds herself trapped in a town called Lost on the edge of a desert, filled with things abandoned, broken and thrown away. And when she tries to escape, impassable dust storms and something unexplainable lead her back to Lost again and again. The residents she meets there tell her she's going to have to figure out just what she's missing--and what she's running from--before she can leave. So now Lauren's on a new search for a purpose and a destiny. And maybe, just maybe, she'll be found...
Against the backdrop of this desolate and mystical town, Sarah Beth Durst writes an arresting, fantastical novel of one woman's impossible journey...and her quest to find her fate.
Sarahs Website


Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Molly Pepper & the Night Train by Courtney King Walker

Hidden somewhere in the fog of the San Francisco bay lies Blue Rock Island, home to the bay area’s two best-kept secrets: Bell’s Bluff, the old, abandoned prison on one side of the island, and the Night Train, a mysterious train ride on the other. When twelve-year-old Molly Pepper receives a secret invitation promising a night of magic and adventure aboard the Night Train, she is skeptical. In her experience, most promises prove too good to be true. The fact that she lost her mom is proof enough.
Still, Molly gives hope another chance. Together with her loyal friend, Noah Wonderly, they sneak out of the house and follow a string of clues leading to the Night Train. But when the train stops at Bell's Bluff, Molly discovers the real reason she was invited. There, she starts to wonder if hope and magic not only fix broken promises; but make you believe in them again.

Courtney King Walker
Courtney King Walker grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area building rocket ships and rafts out of cardboard, hoping to make it the moon or at least Niagara Falls. But a trip across the border to Tijuana was as exciting as it ever got, so she decided writing about adventure was the next best thing. She now lives in the Rocky Mountains with her husband and four children, and still dreams of flying to the moon. Her YA debut, ON THE FRINGE, was published in 2011 by Lands Atlantic Publishing.

Author Links: Website | Twitter | Goodreads

September 15, 2014

Fairy Tale Magic blog hop

It's Monday! What are YOU reading?

This is a fun meme that allows bloggers to get an idea of what everyone else is reading and perhaps help to find our next must-read. So check out what WE are reading and tell us what YOU are reading!!

Lora is Reading: 

by Ciara Knight



Cindi is Reading: 

by Eric Devine


September 14, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Hope after Suicide by Wendy Parmley

After her mother took her own life, Wendy Parmley learned firsthand the heartache, despair, and loneliness that accompanies suicide loss. Reinvent your definition of saved, perfect, and forgiveness as you read this true narrative of a woman opening her heart years after her mother's suicide and learn how to overcome any loss in your own life.
This is an amazing journey through the authors own realities. It is touching and breathtaking how she made it to the other side of suicide. The storyline is strong and kept my interest all the way through. I did shed tears though and then found joy with the author, It is well written and Very well thought out and executed. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has suffered loss of any kind.
Buy this book at:
Publisher-Plain Sight
Reviewer Rating: 5 STARS!!!
Reviewed by~Lora
Thank you to the author for the donation of this book to the Read for your Future book program in exchange for a honest review!