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July 31, 2012
Review: Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
"I won't tell anyone, Echo. I promise." Noah tucked a curl behind my ear. It had been so long since someone touched me like he did. Why did it have to be Noah Hutchins? His dark brown eyes shifted to my covered arms. "You didn't do that-did you? It was done to you?" No one ever asked that question. They stared. They whispered. They laughed. But they never asked. So wrong for each other...and yet so right. No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
I am not much for reading contemporary romance. I am more of a paranormal kinda girl. But i saw the cover of this book and fell in love with the book from there. The story between Noah and Echo is deep. It is true and it is honest.
The dialogue is age appropriate for the story and written like a guy and girl would actually talk. The dialogue is what makes the story,for me...
The story is written from two different point of views. His and Hers and I am telling you that it is what makes the book. The author does very well writing a story line to die for. I read this book in a matter of 2 days. I couldn't put it down! It is explosive and addictive and the storyline is very well written and very well executed.
Echo is a girl that has problems. The problems are handled appropriately for the age of the characters. This book made me cry and I hardly do that reading a book. But this book is an emotional ride that I am thinking about reading again and again.
This author is a new author and I am one of her new fans. I will read anything she writes and like it I'm sure. If you have a chance RUN don't walk and get this book. This book is going to be the romance of the summer so don't miss out! It is my pick for Best summer read. It will make you laugh and cry and its almost like reading about friends!.I can hardly wait for Beth's story. I am sure it will WOW me as well as this one did. Books like this one is why Harlequin is known for its love stories! My advice? Get it now and Hurry!
Publisher-Harlequin Teen
Reviewers Rating: 5 STARS!
Reviewed by~Lora
~A special Thank you to Karen Wadsworth at Media Masters Publicity for the donation of this book to the Read for your Future book program!~
July 26, 2012
Lazy Days of Summer Giveaway Hop
"I won't tell anyone, Echo. I promise." Noah tucked a curl behind my ear. It had been so long since someone touched me like he did. Why did it have to be Noah Hutchins? His dark brown eyes shifted to my covered arms. "You didn't do that-did you? It was done to you?" No one ever asked that question. They stared. They whispered. They laughed. But they never asked.
So wrong for each other...and yet so right.
No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
So wrong for each other...and yet so right.
No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.
July 24, 2012
Review: Forgiven (The Demon Trappers #3) by Jana Oliver
Jana Oliver's third spellbinding Demon Trappers novel - following The Demon Trapper's Daughter and Soul Thief - brings all new thrills, as Riley Blackthorne takes on demons, love... and the future of the human race.
The days are growing darker for 17-year-old demon trapper Riley Blackthorne. With her father’s reanimated body back safely, Beck barely speaking to her because of a certain hunky Fallen angel, and a freshly-made deal with Lucifer, she has enough on her hands to last a normal teenage lifetime. Though she bargained with Heaven to save his life, her ex-boyfriend Simon has told the Vatican’s Demon Hunters that she’s working with Hell. So now she’s in hiding, at the top of everyone’s most-wanted list.
But it’s becoming clear that this is bigger than Riley, and rapidly getting out of control: something sinister is happening in Atlanta… or someone. The demons are working together for the first time ever and refusing to die, putting civilians in harm’s way. Riley thinks she might know who’s behind it all, but who’s going to believe her? Caught between her bargain with Heaven and her promise to Lucifer, Riley fears the final war is coming – and it may be closer than anyone thinks…
This book is just another installment that shows Jana Oliver's story telling is just edgey and original. This is one of my favoritee stories right out of the gate and again it didnt disappoint. THe author does a remarkable job recapping the story so if you havent read the first two books this can be a stand alone book. The storyline is solid and well written and well executed.
The charachter Riley is a heroin in her own right. With everything she goes through. She still is a strong fighting character. She knows what she wants and she goes after it.
Beck is a hottie. I am so glad that his storyline went where it did. I am still excited over that!
Thanks to this author for not disappointing fans! It is truely a series for generations to come!
Publisher-St. Martin's Griffin
Reviewed Rating: 5 STARS!!!
Reviewed by~Lora
~Thank you to the Author for the donation of this book to the Read for your future book program!~
Review of Audio Book: City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5) by Cassandra Clare (Goodreads Author), Molly C. Quinn (Narrator)
The New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments continues—and so do the thrills and danger for Jace, Clary, and Simon.
Can the lost be reclaimed? What price is too high to pay for love?
Who can be trusted when sin and salvation collide?
Love. Blood. Betrayal. Revenge.
Darkness threatens to claim the Shadowhunters in the harrowing fifth book of the Mortal Instruments series.
An unabridged recording on 14 CDs (16 hours)
You know this reviewer has procrastinated writing this review. Ill tell you why: I cant say enough to even attempt to give this book the praise it deserves.Cassandra Clare is one hell of a storyteller. The most Brilliant and talented writers i have ever had the pleasure of listening and reading. She just tells a story so smooth and so surreal that i absolutely just lose myself in the story.
Clary is just a heroin that i wish i could be. She is strong and well balanced and knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go get it. and Jace is just Jace and I love that about him, Even the supporting characters in the story are just like family to me.
When i thought about reading or listening to book 5 I thought "oh no" where can this author possibly go with this storyline. But i wasn't disappointed at all. She is the author to of the century, Yes people i said it LOL I love her stories that much!.
I hope this series keeps going because i could never grow tired of these characters. And i don't want to lose these family members. They are part of my consciousness and I am comfortable with them. Molly Quinn is my clary. I am not sure what she looks like but she can play her in the movie. She has a voice just draws you in and holds you there. Her voice is comforting to me like wearing an old pair of shoes. I cant wait for City of Heavenly fire! SO Bravo to this author and I cant wait for the next one to come out!
Publisher-Simon & Schuster Audio
Reviewer Rating 5 Stars!!!
Reviewed by~Lora
Special thank you to Lauren Pires from Simon Schuster audio for the donation of this audiobook to the Read for your future book program!~
Review: Blood Fever (The Watchers #3) by Veronica Wolff
It’s the start of the fall semester, and a new crop of Acari and Trainees have descended on the Isle of Night. Watcher training has intensified, and Drew has a new roommate named Mei-Ling. But Mei-Ling harbors a dangerous secret that drove the vampires to abduct her against her will. Drew knows she shouldn’t get involved, but she can’t seem to leave her roommate to fend for herself.
Luckily, Drew has other things on her mind—like vampire Carden. A blood bond to a brawny, eighteenth-century Scottish bad boy tends to preoccupy a girl. And though she’s still figuring out what this bond means, one thing has become clear: She craves him in a major way.
But then bodies start turning up on the island. All the evidence points to the existence of a rogue vampire, and the sinister vampire Alcántara is gunning for Carden, even though Drew has proof that Carden had nothing to do with the murders. Now she has to find the true killer—without endangering Carden, Mei-Ling, or herself…
This has quickly became one of my favorite series. The story in this book continues from books one and two and I have to say Veronica Wolff is simply brilliant. She knows how to tell a story and her story is original. You may think when you see this series "Oh another vampire story" but that is simply not true. It is more than that! The author does an awesome job recapping for those that haven't read the first two books. Although it is better if you have the history of the characters.
Drew is such a heroin to be reckoned with, She is brave and wont be backed down on ANY level. I think that that is what i love most about this series is the fact that she wont be bullied. Drew "rocks" weather it be love or revenge. She backs her friends in their time of need and isn't afraid to go after her love interest. I do love the love story in this book. It has carried over from book two and I love who she is bonded with. I hope that this author will follow that storyline through to the end.
I love the supporting characters as well in this book. They are true and strong and has Drew's back all the way through.
The storyline in this book is strongly well written and executed absolutely breathetakingly I was on my seat several times. I thought i knew the who done it in this book and I was wrong. I LOVED that LOL.
Thanks to Veronica Wolff for another chapter in Drew's story. It was an awesome ride.... I LOVED IT!
Publisher-NAL Trade
Reviewer Rating: 5 STARS!!
Reviewed by~Lora
A special Thank you to Rosanne.Romanello of Penguin for the donation of this book to the Read for your future book program!
July 17, 2012
Review: Saving June by Hannah Harrington
When her older sister commits suicide and her divorcing parents decide to divide the ashes, Harper Scott takes her sister's urn to the one place June always wanted to go: California. On the road with her best friend, plus an intriguing guy with a mysterious connection to June, Harper discovers truths about her sister, herself and life.
This reviewer has thought of many things to say about this book so i am going to try and fit them all in here. This is one of the most thought provoking books of the summer. It is absolutely awesome. To talk about teen suicide in such a respectful way that makes it tender while considering the ones that are left behind is a masterpiece for me. When Harper takes her sister to California to scatter her ashes is a journey i didn't want to see end.
Harper is a strong character to live in the shadows of her sisters death and still function and do what she had to do astounded me.
The dialogue is written in a way that makes you feel like part of the story. The characters say things that normal teens would say. The dialogue in this book is most definitely teen dialogue And just pulls you into the story.
A love story is there too. I love the fact that the author didn't rush the love story And the way he dealt with Harper is better than I expected. He helped her to face her issues head on. This book also deals some with teen sex and pregnancy. Again delicate situations not to many can pull these off but this author does it with it taste and finesse.
I hated to see the end of this book. I wanted it to be a series but it is just a stand alone. It touched me where few books have ever been. If you have a chance to get this book. Run don't walk and get it. Hannah Harrington is going o be the author to watch. This debut book has blown me away and i cant wait to read her new one Speechless out in Sept.
I gladly welcome this author into my mind through her books. I have only one regret with this book and that is that i didn't read it sooner. The characters are long standing even after the last page. Bravo Ms Harrington Bravo!!!
Publisher-Harlequin teen
Reviewer Rating : 5 STARS!!!
Reviewed by~Lora
~Thank you to Natashya Wilson from Harlequin for the donation of this book to the Read for your future book program!!
July 10, 2012
Author Interview and Giveaway: Brenna Yovanoff author of The space between
1. How did you come up with the concept for this book?
The main inspiration was a class I took in college called Mythical and Biblical Backgrounds, which talked a lot about story parallels between different cultures. We had a whole unit of stories about different kinds of journeys to underworld, and one day, I just started thinking about what it would mean to journey to the underworld if that was already your home. I got this idea about a girl traveling from hell to earth to save someone, and that was the first little seed of The Space Between.
2.How did you come up with the names for the characters?
I really liked the story associated with the name Daphne—a girl whose father turns her into a tree in order to protect her. To me, the heart of that myth is this idea of being so anxious to keep your daughter safe that it means she misses out on all the weird, messy stuff in life, and never gets to fall in love or take chances or feel anything. I wanted to start with a character like that, and then take her someplace where she would unlearn all the numbness and the self-control.
For Truman, I picked that name because I felt like I was dealing with someone who was just so utterly, completely human and I wanted to underline that, but there’s also a little bit of irony to it, considering that he’s got a fairly complicated heritage.
3.How much are you and the characters alike?
I’d have to say that most of time, my characters and I don’t have an awful lot in common, because I really like writing about people who are different from me. However, Daphne is probably the character I’ve written who’s the most like me. She has a certain matter-of-factness and a very practical way of looking at the world, and in spite of all that, she still loves whimsy and is kind of a daydreamer—just like me!
4. Do you read a lot and what are you reading now?
I read all the time—as much as possible. I think that being a writer, especially, it’s very important to read a lot of different kinds of books, and during the times when I’m too busy to read, I start to feel like something’s missing. I’m SO bad about always reading a lot of books at once. Right now, I’m reading a beautiful love-story told partly in pictures, called Chopsticks, a book of Shirley Jackson short stories, a manuscript by one of my critique partners, and I’m rereading Firestarter by Stephen King.
5. What made you decide to go demons?
I wanted to write about demons because I was very interested in the idea of a person’s actions meaning more than their personal history or their “nature,” and demons are the kind of creature that we mostly just automatically understand as being bad. I wanted to write about people who had a bad history or did bad things, but when you looked below the surface, it turned out that there was a lot more to them than that.
6. How did the cover come about?
The cover for The Space Between is done by an artist named Nekro, who my publisher, Razorbill, contracted with and I absolutely love it!
7. So what is your next project and when is it due out?
My next book is called Paper Valentine. It’s a serial killer story involving ghosts, and will be out in January.
8. Do you have a daytime job or are you a full time writer?
Currently I’m lucky enough to write full-time, which is awesome, because I get to have my absolute dream job! Before that, I worked in a color-process photo lab all through college.
9. How did you get into writing novels and were you worried about peoples reactions to your books?
I think I always knew that I wanted to write, but for a long time, it was something I did in my spare time. When I was in early twenties, I started taking it very seriously and working toward getting published, but it definitely took a few years. I’ve never worried too much about people’s reactions. I think the most important thing to remember is that every story is not for every person, so it’s natural for one person to love a book that another might hate.
10. One last thing do you collect anything personally?
Oh, I’m a terrible packrat! I keep a lot of receipts and notes and birthday cards that I probably shouldn’t, and all kinds of ticket stubs and flyers, and I love foreign coins and little dolls and seashells and pretty rocks. I don’t have any special, dedicated collections, though. Mostly, I like things that are strange and colorful and a little morbid.
Thanks so much for having me!
The main inspiration was a class I took in college called Mythical and Biblical Backgrounds, which talked a lot about story parallels between different cultures. We had a whole unit of stories about different kinds of journeys to underworld, and one day, I just started thinking about what it would mean to journey to the underworld if that was already your home. I got this idea about a girl traveling from hell to earth to save someone, and that was the first little seed of The Space Between.
2.How did you come up with the names for the characters?
I really liked the story associated with the name Daphne—a girl whose father turns her into a tree in order to protect her. To me, the heart of that myth is this idea of being so anxious to keep your daughter safe that it means she misses out on all the weird, messy stuff in life, and never gets to fall in love or take chances or feel anything. I wanted to start with a character like that, and then take her someplace where she would unlearn all the numbness and the self-control.
For Truman, I picked that name because I felt like I was dealing with someone who was just so utterly, completely human and I wanted to underline that, but there’s also a little bit of irony to it, considering that he’s got a fairly complicated heritage.
3.How much are you and the characters alike?
I’d have to say that most of time, my characters and I don’t have an awful lot in common, because I really like writing about people who are different from me. However, Daphne is probably the character I’ve written who’s the most like me. She has a certain matter-of-factness and a very practical way of looking at the world, and in spite of all that, she still loves whimsy and is kind of a daydreamer—just like me!
4. Do you read a lot and what are you reading now?
I read all the time—as much as possible. I think that being a writer, especially, it’s very important to read a lot of different kinds of books, and during the times when I’m too busy to read, I start to feel like something’s missing. I’m SO bad about always reading a lot of books at once. Right now, I’m reading a beautiful love-story told partly in pictures, called Chopsticks, a book of Shirley Jackson short stories, a manuscript by one of my critique partners, and I’m rereading Firestarter by Stephen King.
5. What made you decide to go demons?
I wanted to write about demons because I was very interested in the idea of a person’s actions meaning more than their personal history or their “nature,” and demons are the kind of creature that we mostly just automatically understand as being bad. I wanted to write about people who had a bad history or did bad things, but when you looked below the surface, it turned out that there was a lot more to them than that.
6. How did the cover come about?
The cover for The Space Between is done by an artist named Nekro, who my publisher, Razorbill, contracted with and I absolutely love it!
7. So what is your next project and when is it due out?
My next book is called Paper Valentine. It’s a serial killer story involving ghosts, and will be out in January.
8. Do you have a daytime job or are you a full time writer?
Currently I’m lucky enough to write full-time, which is awesome, because I get to have my absolute dream job! Before that, I worked in a color-process photo lab all through college.
9. How did you get into writing novels and were you worried about peoples reactions to your books?
I think I always knew that I wanted to write, but for a long time, it was something I did in my spare time. When I was in early twenties, I started taking it very seriously and working toward getting published, but it definitely took a few years. I’ve never worried too much about people’s reactions. I think the most important thing to remember is that every story is not for every person, so it’s natural for one person to love a book that another might hate.
10. One last thing do you collect anything personally?
Oh, I’m a terrible packrat! I keep a lot of receipts and notes and birthday cards that I probably shouldn’t, and all kinds of ticket stubs and flyers, and I love foreign coins and little dolls and seashells and pretty rocks. I don’t have any special, dedicated collections, though. Mostly, I like things that are strange and colorful and a little morbid.
Thanks so much for having me!
Where you can find Brenna:
Reluctant Readers Road to Recovery Guide & Giveaway
Do you fear approaching your Reluctant Reader? Have they been spotted this summer participating in questionable behavior with their books like building forts and extreme paper dolls? Identified by their atypical behaviors, the Reluctant Readers Road to Recovery Guide is here to help you create successful encounters with hesitant young readers everywhere. Panic no more and take control of rainy day havoc, poolside chaos and playground mayhem with a great book for your unique reader.
The BFF has matching bracelets with all her friends and wins Miss Congeniality every year. This is a case of Reluctant Reading that can only be cured with Hailey Twitch and the Wedding Glitch by Lauren Barnholdt. Hailey Twitch and her spirited sprite Maybelle, return in the fourth installment to the fab, fab, fabulous series. The BFF will be delighted to read as Hailey gets ready to be a flower girl in her cousin’s wedding! Maybelle’s mischief and fairy magic is back and might land the duo in trouble!
Bruce Lee 2.0 can quote Enter the Dragon from start to finish and has broken table lamps with leg kicks. The only cure for such readers (and your house) is to follow the UK’s youngest secret agent in Jason Steed: Revenge by Mark A. Cooper. Set in a fast-paced 1970s Britain with non-stop excitement and martial arts fight scenes, Revenge is perfect for kids who aspire to be the next martial arts master and are looking for adventure stories and heroes who aren’t afraid to take action. In the thrilling follow-up to Fledgling Jason is sent on a new undercover mission and must infiltrate a shadowy criminal organization –but his luck is running out.
Follow this guide and win a chance of snagging these great summer reads in a giveaway pack! Enter giveaway below!

Reluctant Readers Road to Recovery Guide & Giveaway
The Make-Believer has more imagination frequent flier miles than a Pan Am stewardess! The best cure for this case of Reluctant Reading is Elliot and the Last Underworld War by Jennifer Nielsen (Author of The False Prince). The Make-Believer will be thrilled to join the sarcastically hilarious Elliot in the Underworld. As the King of the Brownies, Elliot has battled Goblins, tricked Pixies, and trapped a Demon. But now, the Demon has escaped and he's ready for revenge. So, the Pixies, Shapeshifters, Elves, Goblins, and Brownies must join forces to battle the Demon head on before he has the chance to destroy Earth.
The Daredevil thinks trick-or-treating should apply to everyday life, especially the tricks! Cure their hunger for trouble with Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire by Francesca Simon. Not even your daredevil will believe what Henry is up to next in these four new wonderful and wacky tales. The international bestselling Horrid Henry series provides readers with a prankster whose relentless antics create a laugh-out-loud read. WARNING: Do not allow daredevils to consume milk while reading or milk may spray from the nose! Follow this guide and win a chance of snagging these great summer reads in a giveaway pack! Enter giveaway below!

Elliot and the Last Underworld War by Jennifer Nielsen

Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire by Francesca Simon
July 9, 2012
July 8, 2012
Review: The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff
Daphne is the half-demon, half-fallen angel daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. Life for her is an endless expanse of time, until her brother Obie is kidnapped—and Daphne realizes she may be partially responsible.
Determined to find him, Daphne travels from her home in Pandemonium to the vast streets of Earth, where everything is colder and more terrifying. With the help of the human boy she believes was the last person to see her brother alive, Daphne glimpses into his dreams, discovering clues to Obie’s whereabouts. As she delves deeper into her demonic powers, she must navigate the jealousies and alliances of the violent archangels who stand in her way.
Determined to find him, Daphne travels from her home in Pandemonium to the vast streets of Earth, where everything is colder and more terrifying. With the help of the human boy she believes was the last person to see her brother alive, Daphne glimpses into his dreams, discovering clues to Obie’s whereabouts. As she delves deeper into her demonic powers, she must navigate the jealousies and alliances of the violent archangels who stand in her way.
I wasn't sure how to write this review.I had put off this book for a while. Now i wish I hadn't! I cant think of anything that would give this book the glory that it deserves. I didn't read this authors other book "The replacements" but I am now thinking I should. This story kept me glued starting with page one clear through to the last page. I loved it!
The main character Daphne is a character that's easy to become attached to. She is strong in her beliefs and naive in a few of them. She stands by the decisions she makes. She makes some really difficult decisions yet she never strays from her beliefs. She is an awesome character
Truman is the human boy that Daphne grows to love. He seems to be confused when he first enters the story but you soon learn that he is living the way he is living because of losing his mother. Daphne meets him and its Love at first site. But It is a slow burning love and I like that.
I love the story line in the book. Its easy to follow and full of action. Its definitely a story that is worth your time, Its hard to put down. I was drawn in from the beginning, It really is a story that will be around for many years to come, I have heard about heaven and hell in church and it depicts it as i have been taught, So id you know anyone that likes paranormal stories They would LOVE this one! It is appropriate for all YA audiences,
Reviewers Rating:5 STARS!!!
Reviewed by~Lora
~Thank you to the publisher for the donation of this awesome book to the Read for your future Program!~
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